Tamil Arts Volume33
Padmabhushan Dr. R Nagaswamy – A legend for ever
Swamy Vijayananda
It is almost 3years since Dr. Nagaswamy has gone from us. But his legacy lives on.
Any attempt to write about the achievements and glory of Padma Bhushan Dr. R Nagaswamy will be an exercise in futility and no amount of praise, compliment, eulogy can do justice to the great accomplishments of Dr. Nagaswamy.
He was and still is a special blessing to the people of Tamil Nadu in particular and to India in general.
Besides his scholarly achievements, his passion for the Vedic and Tamil culture and his tireless efforts to decipher our ancient glory through the centuries old temple carvings and archeological artifacts is beyond human comprehension. Even though he was a great scholar in Tamil, Sanskrit and archeology, he was equally knowledgeable in matters of music, dance, (fresh light on Nauka Charitram of Thyagaraja) vedas, Tirumurai (interface of Sangam Literature and Sanskrit) and Tantra.
The subject matter of the numerous books he wrote covers a wide spectrum of knowledge encompassing Neethi Sasthras, comparative study of legal systems in different countries. In addition to his books on particular temples like Gangaikonda Cholapuram, Briadeeswara Temple, Kaialasa Natha templ, the Vishnu temples in Kanchi, his book solmalai gives us an in depth understanding of different temples in various parts of Tamil Nadu. His book Siva Bakthi and Tamil Nadu the land of the Vedas are a must study for anyone desiring a comprehensive understanding of Vedas and Tamil Shaivism
Through his book உங்கள் ஊர் கல்வெட்டு துணைவன் –Pathway to the antiquity of your village, he has given us a do-it-yourself guide to understand the heritage of your own village temple. Keeping in mind the future generation Dr. Nagaswamy wrote a book பொம்மை பழைய பொம்மை for the children as well.
Till his last breath he was working to revive the temples. Just a couple of days before the cruel hands of Covid snatched him from us in January of 2022, he was helping Smt. Charulatha Rajagopal to revive the ancient temple in her village Karyamangalam in Tiruvaroor Dist.
May Dr. Nagaswamy’s glory live forever on this planet Earth and May his soul be forever at the feet of Lord Nataraja whose ancient Vigraha Dr. NagaSwamy won for us.
Swamy Vijayananda
Tirumoolar Ashramam
January 14, 2025